One day, after a physics's Heat lesson..Raju ,Lim & Anis had lucnch & gossipping about this HOT girl.
Raju: Lim, u know what!I think that HOT girl is very bad temper
Lim: NO lah..she just not in a good mood
Raju:Well everyday nak marah je
Lim: Yeah u r right! I think sumthing wrong with her
Raju: I guessed I know the reason..
Lim: Really! What??
Raju: I know She ‘s HOT but I think she has low specific heat capacity!!!
Lim: What the s##t are u talking???
Raju: Yeah..its true.. low specific heat capacity means u can easily get HOT!
Lim: What???
Raju: When someone kacau je, she’s get HOT instantly..
Lim: But u must remember, she is easily cool down after that ma..
Raju: See!I told u..things with lower specific heat capacity will be easily cool down as well.
Anis: Oh, if that’s the case I think Rajuu, u have high specific heat capacity!!
Raju: Of course lah..i’m not easily get HOT hehe :)
Anis: ....and u r not ‘HOT’ as well huhu :p
Lim: Haiya..u guys read too much physics la
Raju/ANis: Of course la..SPM got one more month to study ma!
saya sudah lebih faham.. thanx
mungkin dah tak confuse psl heat capacity
latent heat??
sir..da lama tak masuk page ni.,.sejak tak berblogging... :)
haaa...ni Principe yang mana ek?
baru belajar bernouli tadi...
gud..physics ni kena fhm konsep,jgn hafal je..tats y i created tis dialog..to express it in simple way..so u all boleh fhm
hi yana..hmm takkan dah x kot ;)
ni pasal specific heat capacity lah..ha jgn lupa2 lagi
Oh macam tu rupanya. So vice versa je la? Okay2, saya lebih faham. Kenapa la cikgu fizik kat sekolah suka complicate things. ;s
this is awesome...kalau la text book semua macam ni :p
Interesting! Stressing out..
salawow , baru saya faham . if you can do another chapter macam ne , kan bagus . thanks cikgu :)
u r most welcome..gud to hear u dah fhm skrg..sometimes nak blajar fizik ni kena banyak buat analogi..baru snang fhm dan ingat
salam cikgu, projectile motion masuk dalam syllabus spm ke? terimakasih
projectile tak de dlm syllabus
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