Btw, the new term has just started. .i'm sure some of u have got their last mid term physics results.
How was it? Are u satisfied..or frustrated with it??? If the results was very encouraging, then start to aim high for your SPM.However if it was the frustrating one,..what will u do next?? Whats your plan?How are u going to recover from it?
For me,what ever results that u've got..first of all u must do post-morterm. Analyse your mistakes. If it was a genuine one, identify which topics that cause u lose most of the marks.Then 'attack' those weakest one.
If u did plenty of careless mistakes.. ask yourself why u did it? You should not repeat them again especially in SPM...its too costly.Another thing u must learn from all those mistakes and never repeat it again.Keep trying and never give up.
If u did plenty of careless mistakes.. ask yourself why u did it? You should not repeat them again especially in SPM...its too costly.Another thing u must learn from all those mistakes and never repeat it again.Keep trying and never give up.
Its like a football match, the first half is over..then comes the second half for u to turn around the results. Your second half performance is the most crucial. If u think that u did badly in the first half.. do find a good coach to let u score at least A goal :)
Just remember.. if u always think positive.. u ll get positive results.